Tips on Investing in Your Professional Social Media Accounts
Derm Instagram I want to challenge you to spend time in building up social media for your career. I’m not talking about your personal Snapchat; in fact, I think you should keep personal social media accounts separate from your public professional ones. I am advocating instead for you to invest in your professional social media accounts, a page that says to the world what kind of doctor you are and why peop …
Derm Instagram
Spotlight On: Kalyani Marathe, MD, MPH, FAAD
maratheHow did you know you chose the right specialty in dermatology? I was lucky enough to do my residency training at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, VA, where we had a full-time pediatric dermatologist on staff (Dr. Judith Williams). Her clinical expertise and ability to put parents at ease in the face of complex problems made me realize how intellectually challenging pediatric dermatol …
Drug Development for the Practicing Dermatologist: Have the Best of Both Worlds
drug developmentPart 2 in a 2 part series. In medical school and residency, the industry side of medicine is not exactly a topic that gets paid much attention. A few years into my own private practice, the opportunity to learn the process of drug development would come to fruition. In the first article in this series, I discussed the importance of obtaining a patent and FDA approval. The next step is how to p …
drug development

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