Why It Is Important to Join and Participate in Regional Dermatology Societies
join groupThere are many benefits to joining a local or regional dermatology society The decision to join a local or regional dermatology societies is important during residency and post-residency. There are many benefits to joining a local or regional dermatology society. Including, but not limited to, educational opportunities, social interaction and professional stimulation. Another benefit is for commu …
join group
I Wish I Had Known: Patient Experience
bandage knownI wish I had known that cosmetic patients and Mohs patients are like oil and water sitting in the same waiting room They do not mix well at all. In general, well-heeled, cosmetic-oriented people (mostly women) wish to wait with others who they can identify with. Often, Mohs patients are quite elderly with bandages on their faces. Which can be a frightening sight to the cosmetic patient. I would r …
bandage known
I Wish I Had Known: You Don’t Have to Be an Expert
expertWhen I first started I wish that I had realized that you don’t have to be an expert in everything right off the bat. It can be very intimidating to go to meetings and see all these amazing giants in the field get up on stage. You so badly want to be the one giving lectures and presenting the data. It takes time to develop these skills to get the confidence for you to get up there and to give th …

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