IL-23 Inhibitors for Psoriasis Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
IL-23 InhibitorsPsoriasis involves a complex inflammatory cascade mediated by various cytokine effectors. Over the past fifteen years, treatment options have evolved to include biologic medications that provide targeted inhibition of various pathways. IL-23 has emerged as an important inflammatory cytokine in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. We continue our series, Therapeutic Cheat Sheet, with a closer look at IL- …
IL-23 Inhibitors
Anti-TNF-Induced Psoriasis in a Pyoderma Gangrenosum Patient
Pyoderma Gangrenosum PatientJDD authors Atrin Toussi BS BA, Stephanie T. Le MD,  Virgina R. Barton MD, Chelsea Ma MD,  Michelle Y. Cheng MD, Andrea Sukhov MD, Reason Wilken MD, Forum Patel MD, Elizabeth Wang MD,  and Emanual Maverakis MD present a case of a 60-year-old woman with recalcitrant pyoderma gangrenosum treated with adalimumab, who paradoxically developed psoriasis.  Introduction Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is …
Pyoderma Gangrenosum Patient
Anti-TNF-Induced Psoriasis in a Pyoderma Gangrenosum Patient – References
Anti-TNF-Induced Psoriasis in a Pyoderma Gangrenosum Patient - References 1. Ahn C, Negus D, Huang W. Pyoderma gangrenosum: a review of pathogenesis and treatment. Expert Rev Clin Immunol. 2018;14(3):225-233. 2. Wang EA, Steel A, Luxardi G, et al. Classic ulcerative pyoderma gangrenosum is a T cell-mediated disease targeting follicular adnexal structures: a hypothesis based on molecular and …
Healing the Gut to Treat Psoriasis?
Healing the gut to treat psoriasis“All disease starts in the gut.”  This saying may sound like a new fad, but in fact, this is quoted from Hippocrates himself (470-36 BCE) who proposed this--- not ten years ago, a hundred years ago, but thousands of years ago!  Praised as one of the most influential figures in medicine and healing, Hippocrates upheld the theory of autointoxication, which claimed that by-products of incompl …
Healing the gut to treat psoriasis

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