The “Flolan Rash” | Great Cases from the JDD
Flolan RashINTRODUCTION Epoprostenol (Flolan) is a last-resort intravenous (IV) medication for the treatment of severe pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Cutaneous adverse events of Flolan are well-known by pulmonologists, though lacking in dermatologic literature.1 We report an extensive near erythrodermic appearing asymptomatic eruption following long-term use of epoprostenol. This characteristic and …
Flolan Rash
Other Pigmentary Disorders in Darker Skin Types
Pigmentary DisordersPatients with darker skin types are susceptible to developing other pigmentary disorders besides melasma. At SOCU 2022, Dr. Heather Woolery-Lloyd, Director of the Skin of Color Division at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, gave a fascinating overview of various pigmentary disorders that can affect patients with skin of color and provided clinical pearls immediately useful in our p …
Pigmentary Disorders
Prenatal Rash – Friday Pop Quiz 1/27/2023
A 35 year-old woman in her late third trimester of pregnancy presents to the office for an acute rash that started on her abdomen as seen in the picture below. What do you need to council the mother regarding the effect that this rash may have on the fetus? A. Increased risk of prematurity and small-for-gestational age B. No effect C. Increased risk of stillbirths D. Increased risk …
Doxepin Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
DoxepinAs dermatologists, pruritus (or itch) is one of the most frequent symptoms that we encounter. The broad spectrum of itch severity in patients with various dermatologic conditions suggests a need for a host of “tools” or medications that dermatologists should have in their toolbox. In this publication, we continue our Therapeutic Cheat Sheet series by highlighting the uses of Doxepin in dermato …