It’s Mnemonic Monday! | NEW WORLD leishmaniasis
cutaneous leishmaniasisOn this Mnemonic Monday, we challenge you to remember the geographical areas and associated species known for NEW WORLD leishmaniasis transmission with the following mnemonic: Let's Go Get Brazilian Blowouts in Mexico Let's = “lutz” aka Lutzomya sandfly species responsible for transmitting new world leishmaniasis Brazilian = L. braziliensis complex, leishmaniasis species commonly …
cutaneous leishmaniasis
Hepatitis C – Friday Pop Quiz 11/11/2022
A 62-year-old woman with hepatitis C, viral load >4 million IU/mL, presents with this new rash. The purpuric macules and papules are mildly pruritic and are mainly on her arms and legs. Based on the patient’s history and rash, what is the next best step in the management of this patient? A. CBC with differentials B. ANA screen C. ANCA serologies D. Cryoglobulin screen E. Er …
Adjunctive Therapies for Hair Loss | Lasers, PRP, Microneedling, and Hair Transplantation
adjunctive therapies for hair lossHair loss can be such a challenging disease to treat, especially with the social toll it can take on patients. Do you struggle to keep up with the newest treatments and data on hair loss? If so, keep reading as we learn from Dr. Shilpi Khetarpal, Associate Professor of Dermatology and Director of Cosmetic Dermatology and Lasers at Cleveland Clinic, about adjunctive therapies for hair loss based on …
adjunctive therapies for hair loss
Off-Label Treatment Pearls with Dr. Ted Rosen
off-label treatment pearlsNext Steps in Derm and the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, in partnership with the Dermatology Education Foundation (DEF) and Physicians Resources,  interviewed Dr. Ted Rosen (Professor, Vice-Chair of Dermatology, and Chief of Dermatology at the Houston Veterans Affairs Medical Center) on his favorite off-label treatment pearls. Watch as he shares how to use indomethacin for the angry red scrot …
off-label treatment pearls
Skincare Mondays | 1 Year Study Shows Retinol Benefits Do Not Plateau
Retinol BenefitsRetinoids are a mainstay of dermatologic therapy. When properly formulated, retinoids available over the counter offer consumers an easily accessible, reasonably priced option.  Retinol has been shown to improve fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, skin roughness, and the appearance of photoaged skin in short term studies. This study looks at the efficacy and safety of continued use of a s …
Retinol Benefits