The Link Between Acne and Sleep | The Expert Weighs In
acne and sleepAllure recently posted an article, "Is My Acne the Reason I Can't Sleep?" What does research say about a link between acne and sleep, and how should dermatologists counsel their acne patients about lifestyle factors? For expert advice, I reached out to Miami dermatologist Heather Woolery-Lloyd, MD, who is board certified in both dermatology and lifestyle medicine. Dr. Woolery-Lloyd spoke ab …
acne and sleep
Rosacea in Diverse Skin Tones | Recognition, Diagnosis, and Treatment
We have probably all seen a patient with rosacea. After all, it is quite common in middle-aged, fair-skinned women. Here, however, we will explore a talk given by Dr. Hilary Baldwin (Medical director of the Acne Treatment & Research Center in Morristown, NJ and Brooklyn, NY, and Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center) at the 2022 Skin of Color …
Nail Findings – Friday Pop Quiz 10/21/2022
Which of the following conditions is not commonly associated with the nail findings depicted in the image? A. Chronic renal insufficiency B. Liver failure C. Congestive heart failure D. Diabetes E. Age To find out the correct answer and read the explanation, click here.    Brought to you by our brand partner Derm In-Review.  A product of SanovaWorks.   …
Oral Minoxidil for Hair Loss | The Expert Weighs In
oral minoxidil for hair lossINSIDER recently posted an article on oral minoxidil for hair loss as a result of media coverage in The New York Times. Which hair loss patients make good candidates for oral minoxidil? How should a dermatologist determine the best dosage for their patients? For expert advice, I reached out to Shilpi Khetarpal, MD, FAAD, director of cosmetic dermatology and lasers at the Cleveland Clinic. …
oral minoxidil for hair loss
Cutaneous Signs of Systemic Disease | Pearls from the Expert
cutaneous signs of systemic diseaseNext Steps in Derm and the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, in partnership with the Dermatology Education Foundation (DEF) and Physicians Resources,  interviewed board-certified dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon Dr. Brad Glick on his approach to patients with cutaneous signs of systemic disease. Watch as he shares many examples of common and less common systemic diseases with  dermatolog …
cutaneous signs of systemic disease