> Starting and Running a Practice

How to Build Your Injectable Business Part 2

Part 2 of 3

In part one of this series I discussed how to prepare your practice for introducing injectables. In this second part, I will discuss how best to educate both your staff and patients.

Staff Training

You must take the time to educate your entire staff about the injectables, how much they cost, what the pre- and post-procedure instructions are, and how long the injectables will last. Patients will ask several people the same question and they should get the same answer every time. I like to provide scripts to my receptionists to ensure that the questions are answered consistently. In fact, I have also developed training modules for my staff.

Patient Education and Consent

Patients should be given very clear written pre- and post-procedure instructions. They will be much happier with the result if they have avoided NSAIDs, aspirin, and other causes of bruising prior to injections. They must also be counselled about how long they will be swollen or bruised so that they can plan their social life and work schedule accordingly. Many doctors fear that showing patients pictures of how bruised or swollen they will be discourages them from getting the procedure. However, it is actually the opposite. Being upfront with them about downtime helps build trust, which is crucial for developing a thriving cosmetic practice. Using a standardized consent approach is critical. I use pre-recorded videos to consent patients in my practice so that I know it has been done properly.

Patient Follow-up

Patient follow-up is a must. I recommend having someone in the office call them the night of the procedure and see how they are during, especially if this is their first injectable procedure. New patients are often scared and this is a great opportunity to strengthen the patient/physician relationship. I also recommend that you provide pre- and post-procedure skincare regimens with clear instructions. These simple steps, taking the time to properly consent your patients, and telling them what to expect will help differentiate you from your competitors.

In summary, the foundation of a thriving cosmetic practice is education. This includes educating yourself on how to inject artistically and consistently, educating your staff to provide consistent information. And educating your patients about pre- and post-procedure care, including skincare. If you, your staff, and patients are not properly educated, then you are not yet ready to market your injectable practice.

Be sure to check out next month’s article, part three. I will discuss best practices for marketing your injectable business.