acne scars

Patient Buzz Series: Acne Scar Treatments
acne scarsHow to treat acne scars is a popular topic in the consumer press this month. Online articles discussed the benefits and limitations of both chemical peels and scar creams. What advice is your acne patients reading about fading their acne scars and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation? Find out by reviewing this list of articles about hot dermatology topics in the consumer press: Allur …
acne scars
Patient Buzz: Using Lasers for Acne Scars | The Expert Weighs In
acne scarsCosmopolitan recently posted an article, "Lasers for Acne Scars: How They Work and the Best Treatments to Try Right Now.” What can lasers do now for acne scars, and what developments are on the horizon? For expert advice, I reached out to Dallas dermatologist DiAnne Davis, MD, FAAD, who will be part of a panel discussion on lasers and energy-based devices to treat acne scars at the ODAC D …
acne scars
Patient Buzz Series: Calamine Lotion as Makeup Primer
calamine lotionDermatologists are sounding alarm after some TikTok influencers are recommending calamine lotion as a makeup primer, claiming the hack helps improve blemishes and keeps makeup in place. It’s the latest viral beauty hack popularized on the social media platform. Be ready for the hacks your patients may bring up in their next office visits by perusing this list of articles in the consumer press: …
calamine lotion
It’s Mnemonic Monday! | Minocycline-Induced Hyperpigmentation
Minocycline induced hyperpigmentationOn this Mnemonic Monday, we challenge you to remember 3 types of minocycline induced hyperpigmentation with the following mnemonic: I HAVE SCARS ON MY SHIN FROM THE SUN SCAR: Type I minocycline induced hyperpigmentation (discoloration in sites of prior inflammation or scars) SHIN: Type II minocycline induced hyperpigmentation (discoloration on the shins) SUN: Type III minocycline induced hyp …
Minocycline induced hyperpigmentation
Combining Lasers & Treatments for Acne Scars in Patients with Skin of Color
acne scarAcne scarring affects many of our acne patients and can lead to a great impact on quality of life and self-esteem. Treating acne scars aggressively in skin of color patients can be challenging, given the risk of side effects associated with different procedures. In her lecture entitled: Combining Lasers & Treatments for Acne Scars in Patients with Skin of Color – This is How I Do It, Dr. DiA …
acne scar