
JDD June Issue Highlights
Here are the June JDD Issue Highlights: Guest Editor Dr. James Q. Del Rosso stresses that even the best case scenario of teledermatology can never offer the same as a live in-person visit in Virtual Exams No Substitute for In-Person Care of Acne and Rosacea. Treating Inflammation in Rosacea: Current Options and Unmet Needs, authors discuss the underlying inflammatory nature of rosacea, tre …
Patient Buzz Series: Dermatology Post-Quarantine
SKIN POST-QUARANTINEEPI Health has graciously supported the COVID-19 News and Resource Center. As states begin easing restrictions, this month’s Patient Buzz includes several articles on how to care for the skin post-quarantine. Are mask-off injectable treatments safe for patients and providers? What skin, hair and nail concerns need an in-person visit, and what can be addressed virtually? How will COVID-19 for …
Patient Buzz Series: “COVID Toes” and Other Skin Symptoms
COVID TOESCOVID-19 and the skin is a hot topic in this month’s Patient Buzz. Are “COVID toes” a manifestation of the virus? Can pandemic stress lead to dandruff? Are at-home mole removal techniques shown on TikTok safe? Review this list of articles from the consumer press and be prepared for your patients’ questions about COVID-19 and other dermatology topics: Allure: Dandruff shampoo …
Journal Review Series: April-June 2019
Journal Review SeriesNext Steps in Derm author, Dr. Anna Chacon, searched the journals so that you don’t have to! She reports on important take-aways from different dermatology journals for the months of April, May, and June of 2019. It is key to keep in mind that “important” is subjective and what is contained in this review is one person’s view of what should be remembered from these months of the literat …
Journal Review Series
Hydroxychloroquine, Pentoxifylline, and Colchicine: Off-Label is ON in Dermatology
Hydroxychloroquine, Pentoxifylline, and Colchicine: Off-Label is ON in Dermatology!So many diseases, so few FDA approved indications. Between the mind-numbing time and cost from bench to bottle, it is no surprise that dermatologists, as masters of the integument are the off-label bandits, marrying their wealth of knowledge on the pathophysiology of skin diseases to the mechanisms by which medications work to create an evidenced-based armament of therapies for both common and rar …
Hydroxychloroquine, Pentoxifylline, and Colchicine: Off-Label is ON in Dermatology!