
Patient Buzz Series: Anti-Wrinkle Straws
wrinklesBeverage tumblers with straws are popular on TikTok, and now some social media influencers are claiming using straws will cause wrinkles. These influencers are promoting bendy “anti-wrinkle” straws to people who are especially concerned about fine lines and wrinkles in the perioral area. While dermatologists point out that repeated use of straws will cause wrinkles over time, they also remind …
Patient Buzz Series: Flying and Melanoma Risk
The link between flying and melanoma made news recently after dermatologist Dr. Joyce Park posted to TikTok about the increased incidence of melanoma in airline pilots. In her post, Dr. Park recommended flyers wear sunscreen or keep the windows shut. She highlighted research published in JAMA Dermatology in 2015 that found the amount of UVA radiation pilots receive in a cockpit during a nearly hou …
Patient Buzz Series: Calamine Lotion as Makeup Primer
calamine lotionDermatologists are sounding alarm after some TikTok influencers are recommending calamine lotion as a makeup primer, claiming the hack helps improve blemishes and keeps makeup in place. It’s the latest viral beauty hack popularized on the social media platform. Be ready for the hacks your patients may bring up in their next office visits by perusing this list of articles in the consumer press: …
calamine lotion
Patient Buzz Series: Masks & The Skin
Patient Buzz Series November 2020This month’s Patient Buzz includes articles that address skin issues from wearing face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic. Does exercising in a mask cause “maskne?”  Are face mask brackets helpful or hurtful in preventing skin irritation? Review this list of dermatology news in the consumer press and be prepared for your patient’s questions about face masks and other skincare topics in …
Patient Buzz Series November 2020
Patient Buzz Series: From Eyelash Curlers for Lip Plumping to CBD for Psoriasis
Patient Buzz SeriesThe latest headlines about skin, hair and nails may lead to questions you’ll soon hear from your patients. Be prepared by perusing this list of dermatology news in the consumer press. Recent topics addressed include eyelash curlers for removing blackheads and plumping lips, when to toss old makeup and whether it’s OK to swim after getting a new tattoo. ABC News: Tips to avoid breakout …
Patient Buzz Series