nail matrix

Friday Pop Quiz 2/14/2025
A 40-year-old female develops a wing of extra tissue in all of her fingernails which developed gradually through the years. You mention it is due to scarring in the nail matrix. What is the most common dermatologic association with this condition? A. Lichen planus B. Trauma C. Stevens-Johnson syndrome D. Alopecia areata E. Renal failure To find out the correct answer and read t …
Fingernail scarring – Friday Pop Quiz 7/22
A 40-year-old female develops a wing of extra tissue in all of her fingernails which developed gradually through the years. You mention it is due to scarring in the nail matrix. What is the most common dermatologic association with this condition? A. Lichen planus B. Trauma C. Stevens-Johnson syndrome D. Alopecia areata E. Renal failure To find out the correct answer and read t …
Patient Buzz: Diagnosing Nail Melanoma | The Expert Weighs In
nail recently posted an article about one woman's experience with subungual melanoma, which was initially diagnosed as a mole. What are some common mimics to nail melanoma that could result in a missed diagnosis, and when should a dermatologist perform a nail biopsy? For expert advice, I reached out to Shari Lipner, MD, PhD, associate professor of clinical dermatology and director of t …
nail melanoma
The Many Faces of Melanoma
melanomaOur new series, “The Many Faces of”, will showcase side-by-side images of some of the most commonly seen dermatology conditions in an array of skin tones and briefly highlight nuances in clinical presentation.  All images featured in the series are part of The Full Spectrum of Dermatology: A Diverse and Inclusive Atlas, a resource developed by co-editors Misty Eleryan, MD, MS, and Adam Frie …
It’s Mnemonic Monday! Painful Skin Tumors
painful skin tumorsOn this Mnemonic Monday, we challenge you to remember painful skin tumors with the following mnemonic: BLEND AN EGG Blue rubber bleb Leiomyoma Eccrine spiradenoma Neuroma Dermatofibroma Angiolipoma Neurilemmoma Endometriosis Granular cell tumor Glomus tumor Click HERE to print your mnemonic card.   Study More! Need a refresher on cutaneous tumors? Check out the following …
painful skin tumors