
What’s New in Treatments for Hair Loss
Hair Loss TreatmentsNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference, is excited to share a new video series where dermatology key opinion leaders share important updates and pearls on a variety of medical, surgical, and aesthetic dermatology topics. First up is Dr. Amy McMichael, Professor and Chair of Dermatology at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, sharing …
Hair Loss Treatments
Treating the Young Aesthetic Patient: Evidence-Based Recommendations
Aging through the decadesRecent speculation has indicated that it is rarely too early to begin aesthetic treatments.1 The growing demand for anti-aging in younger populations requires thoughtful and age-appropriate counseling for delivering preventions and interventions. The physiologic, age-related changes that occur with each decade of life may serve as a blueprint for when to start cosmetic treatments. Under 20 Phot …
Aging through the decades
Patient Buzz: Is Powdered Sunscreen Effective? – The Expert Weighs In
sunscreen makeupAllure recently published an article on powdered sunscreen, noting the popularity of new products on the market. But is powder an effective sunscreen vehicle? How should you direct your patients? For an expert opinion, I consulted dermatologist Steven Q. Wang, MD, director of dermatology and dermatologic surgery at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in Basking Ridge, N.J. How does powd …
sunscreen makeup
Patient Buzz Series: Sun Protection Trends
In preparation for summer, this month’s patient buzz includes articles about sun protection trends. Is homemade sunscreen effective? What about powdered sunscreen? Can “well fashion” reduce a person’s skin cancer risk? Be ready for your patients’ odd-ball questions by checking out this listing of recent articles in the consumer press. Allure: Fillers for dark circles Allure: M …