pruritic rash

Atypical Dyschromia in Skin of Color
DyschromiaABSTRACT Dyschromia is a concern for many patients, especially persons of color. Postinflammatory hypopigmentation and depigmentation can affect all skin types; however, it is more apparent in those with darker skin. Some members of the dermatology community may not comprehensively understand the mechanisms of these reactions and the extent of the psychosocial effect they have on persons of color …
Friday Pop Quiz 5/12/2023
A 13-year-old girl is brought to the office because she has had the pruritic rash shown for the past 11 months. Her parents say none of the small tubes of moisturizers provided relief, including hydrocortisone 1%, which they applied for 4 days with minimal improvement. Daily bathing and petrolatum application are performed at home. Her medical history is unremarkable except for a peanut allergy, …
Pruritic Rash – Friday Pop Quiz 6/4
pruritic rash This healthy 2-year-old female presents with a 2-day history of the pruritic rash seen here. She had mild edema of the dorsal hands and feet and positive dermatographism on exam. All lesions were transient, lasting less than 24 hours in the same location. She was otherwise well and her parents denied any fever or systemic symptoms. What is the best diagnosis? A. Serum sickness-like reaction …
pruritic rash