skin cancer

Patient Buzz Series: From Eyelash Curlers for Lip Plumping to CBD for Psoriasis
Patient Buzz SeriesThe latest headlines about skin, hair and nails may lead to questions you’ll soon hear from your patients. Be prepared by perusing this list of dermatology news in the consumer press. Recent topics addressed include eyelash curlers for removing blackheads and plumping lips, when to toss old makeup and whether it’s OK to swim after getting a new tattoo. ABC News: Tips to avoid breakout …
Patient Buzz Series
Identifying Gaps in Sun Protection Perceptions and Use in Native Americans
JDD Podcast RecapPodcast host Dr. Adam Friedman sat down with Dr. Vivian Shi, Assistant Professor of Dermatology at University of Arizona, to discuss skin cancer epidemiology and sun protection behavior among Native Americans.  Dr. Vivian Shi’s most recent study published in the June 2019 edition of JDD highlights clear shortcomings in this group. Below are are the podcast highlights. Key Takeaways This …
JDD Podcast Recap
JDD July Issue Highlights
JDD July 2019 IssueHere are the issue highlights for the JDD July issue with special focus on Skin of Color: Patient-focused Solutions in Rosacea Management: Treatment Challenges in Special Patient Groups aims to expand awareness of the impact of rosacea on QoL of patients of all ages, genders, and skin types. (CE credit is available)  Myths and Knowledge Gaps in the Aesthetic Treatment of Patients With S …
JDD July 2019 Issue
Patient Buzz Series: Kylie Jenner and Walnut Scrubs
Patient BuzzThis month’s Patient Buzz includes several articles your patients may ask about during an office visit. Are walnut scrubs, like the one promoted by Kylie Jenner, good for the skin? Does sunscreen cause cancer? Are essential oils good for bug bites? Be prepared for these and other questions your patients may ask by checking out this listing of dermatology articles in the consumer press: A …
Patient Buzz
Patient Buzz: Is Powdered Sunscreen Effective? – The Expert Weighs In
sunscreen makeupAllure recently published an article on powdered sunscreen, noting the popularity of new products on the market. But is powder an effective sunscreen vehicle? How should you direct your patients? For an expert opinion, I consulted dermatologist Steven Q. Wang, MD, director of dermatology and dermatologic surgery at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in Basking Ridge, N.J. How does powd …
sunscreen makeup