tinea versicolor

Fluconazole Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
fluconazoleFluconazole is a synthetic triazole with a broader antifungal spectrum than the imidazole class. Resistance to first-pass metabolism and consistent oral absorption are advantages over agents like ketoconazole in the antifungal armamentarium, particularly in the context of the United States Food and Drug Administration’s reinforced warning against oral ketoconazole for skin and nail infections, d …
Tinea versicolor – Friday Pop Quiz 9/2/2022
A 42-year-old male presents with multiple round to oval hypomelanotic patches measuring several centimeters in size. The lesions coalesce centrally and are more prominent on the trunk. Associated fine scale is apparent upon scratching the skin. The distribution is symmetric and favors the chest, abdomen, and back. Which of the following is not a proposed mechanism of the hypopigmented skin in …