Celebrating the Life of Marta Rendon, MD | 1957-2021
Marta Rendon, MDEvery time I think of Marta Rendon, I smile…before, now and forever more. Simply put, Marta brought joy. To her family; her handsome son, Juan, her long-time life partner, Dr. Bret Ribotsky and her siblings. To her patients. To her business partners and employees of her practice. To any and every dermatologist throughout the US and abroad that she supported and mentored. To those of us in der …
Marta Rendon, MD
It’s Mnemonic Monday! AGEP
AGEPOn this Mnemonic Monday, we challenge you to remember drugs commonly causing AGEP, or acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis. These drugs include: Beta-lactam antibiotics Calcium channel blockers Cephalosporins Macrolide antibiotics Mercury Mnemonic: ABC MICKEY MOUSE AGEP Beta- Lactam Calcium channel blockers, cephalosporins Macrolides Mercury Click HERE to down …
The Pinch Stitch: A Pearl for Suturing Wounds Under Tension
pinch stitchClosing defects under tension in areas such as the scalp and back may be challenging during dermatologic surgery. Different techniques have been advocated to ease the placement of the first deep suture under tension, including the slip-knot stitch, pully stitch, horizontal mattress suture, pulley set-back dermal suture, and tandem pulley stitch. INTRODUCTION Closing defects under tension in …
pinch stitch
Actinic Keratoses: Evidence-Based Treatment Options
Actinic KeratosesDr. Hanke, a dermatologic surgeon who needs no introduction (but I’ll give one anyway!) provided us with an evidence-based discussion of field treatments available for actinic keratoses at ODAC 2021 conference. Just to name a few of Dr. Hanke’s accomplishments, he is the current Senior Vice President of the Skin Cancer Foundation, Senior editor of JDD, and the former president of the AAD, A …
Actinic Keratoses
It’s Mnemonic Monday! UVA Chemical Blockers
UVA BlockersOn this Mnemonic Monday, we challenge you to remember UVA blockers that are Chemical or Organic compound with the following mnemonic: UVA BEAM Benzophenones (ex: Oxybenzone)   Ecamsule (aka: Mexoryl SX)  Avobenzone (Parsol 1789)  Methyl anthranilate Click HERE to download or print your mnemonic card.   Study More! Need a refresher on sunscreens? Check out page 406 of yo …
UVA Blockers