Opening a Practice Shortly After Dermatology Training
opening a practiceOwning and operating a solo dermatology practice may seem like a business model going the way of the dinosaur, especially with the growing trend of private equity ownership. Yet one early-career dermatologist is embracing practice ownership, and finding a way to open a practice shortly after completing dermatology training. [caption id="attachment_12710" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo cou …
opening a practice
Terbinafine Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
terbinafineDermatophyte infections are estimated to affect about 25% of the world’s population, representing some of the most common infections in the world. Conditions such as onychomycosis and tinea capitis may significantly impact quality of life by way of their symptoms or appearance, making adequate treatment important. Oral and topical formulations of terbinafine are commonly used on- and off-label f …
It’s Mnemonic Monday! Angiokeratomas
AngiokeratomaOn this Mnemonic Monday, we challenge you to remember types of angiokeratomas with the following mnemonic: Fabry Circled the Ford Around My Pappy Fabry (angiokeratoma corporis diffusum) Circumscriptum Fordyce Mibelli Papular Click HERE to print your mnemonic card.   Study More! Need a refresher on angiokeratomas? Check out the following pages of your 2020 Derm In-Review Study …
The Decision Every Graduating Resident Faces
fellowshipsIt’s a decision every graduating resident faces: enter the workforce or apply for a fellowship. After more than a decade of higher education, postponing the rewards of a career for another year of training may not seem worthwhile for some. Yet others see a fellowship year as education that will pay dividends throughout their career. “I viewed a fellowship year as an investment in myself,” …
Jawline Contouring with Dermal Fillers and Neuromodulators
dermal fillersWhen we discuss contouring, the aesthetic goal is to define the shape of the desired area; this includes creating lights and shadows. With injectables, we can change the shape of the lower face to restore a youthful, attractive facial contour. Injectables can be used to add or subtract volume. When we add volume, we create a light reflex. When we remove volume, we create a shadow. Age-relate …
dermal fillers