JDD November 2023 Issue Highlights | Special Topic: Lasers, Light Sources, and Devices
laser treatmentThe November 2023 issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (JDD) focuses on lasers, light sources, and devices featuring the perfect mix original articles, case reports, letters to the editor, and brief communications. Straight from the Editor’s desk, check out this month’s issue highlights. ORIGINAL ARTICLES Interventions to Minimize Pain During Photodynamic Therapy With 5-Aminolevulini …
laser treatment
Benefits and Risks of Medium & Deep Chemical Peels
chemical peelsNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with Pigmentary Disorders Exchange Symposium (PDE) interviewed Dr. Jennifer Rullan, a dermatologist in Chula Vista, Calif. Watch as Dr. Rullan outlines unexpected ingredients that dermatologists can use in medium depth and deep chemical peels to treat pigmentary disorders, and it may not be the disorders that you expect. Vitiligo? Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis …
chemical peels
Refractory Dissecting Cellulitis of the Scalp Treated With Risankizumab
Dissecting CellulitisPerifolliculitis capitis abscedens et suffodiens or dissecting cellulitis (DC) is a rare and chronic disease with a predilection for the occipital, vertex, and parietal scalp. DC is characterized by multinodular lesions with purulent drainage and sinus tract formation. It is classically seen in middle-aged males of African descent. The etiology of the disease is unknown; however, leading theories …
Dissecting Cellulitis
Bilobed Flap Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
BILOBED FLAPDr. Michael J. Visconti continues our Therapeutic Cheat Sheet series, surgical edition, with a look at the bilobed flap, one of the workhorse reconstructive designs in the armamentarium of dermatologic surgeons. The Bilobed Flap Therapeutic Cheat Sheet Compiled by: Michael J. Visconti, DO | Reviewed by: Vishal A. Patel, MD Background Vascular Supply: random pattern Movement Clas …
What Dermatopathologists Wish Every Derm Knew About Nail Biopsies
Nail biopsiesNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic & Surgical Conference, interviewed to Dr. Molly Hinshaw, professor of dermatology, section chief of dermatopathology and director of the nail clinic at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. Watch as Dr. Hinshaw shares her tips for performing nail biopsies. Find out what’s the safest and most usef …
Nail biopsies