Patient Buzz Series: Flying and Melanoma Risk
The link between flying and melanoma made news recently after dermatologist Dr. Joyce Park posted to TikTok about the increased incidence of melanoma in airline pilots. In her post, Dr. Park recommended flyers wear sunscreen or keep the windows shut. She highlighted research published in JAMA Dermatology in 2015 that found the amount of UVA radiation pilots receive in a cockpit during a nearly hou …
JDD May 2023 Issue Highlights | Special Focus: Skin Cancer
skin cancerThe May issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (JDD) focuses on skin cancer and includes the perfect blend of original articles and case reports. Topics include actinic keratosis versus squamous cell carcinoma, the utility of gene expression profiling in skin cancer, the prevalence of sunscreen use, and many more.  Check out this month’s issue highlights straight from the JDD Editor’s …
skin cancer
Practical Pearls for Diagnosing Disorders of Hyperpigmentation
hyperpigmentationIf you find diagnosing disorders of hyperpigmentation challenging, then this is just for you! I had the privilege of attending the 2023 ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic, and Surgical Conference to learn about disorders of hyperpigmentation from Dr. Nada Elbuluk. Dr. Elbuluk is an Associate Professor and Director of the Skin of Color Program and Pigmentary Disorders Clinic at the University of Southern …
Adjunctive Therapies for Hair Loss: Lasers, Microneedling and Hair Transplantation
hair lossNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with Skin of Color Update, interviewed Dr. Shilpi Khetarpal, dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic. Watch as Dr. Khetarpal outlines the four categories of adjunctive therapies for hair loss and why clinicians should pair them with traditional medical treatments. Learn Dr. Khetarpal’s typical treatment regimen when using PRP in hair loss patients. Find out what …
hair loss
Acute Onset Linear Lichen Planus Pigmentosus of the Forehead: A Case Series
LPPINTRODUCTION Linear lichen planus pigmentosus (LPP) of the face is a rare acquired variant of lichen planus, with only a few cases published in the literature.1 It is an inflammatory condition with unknown etiology, characterized by blue-gray hyperpigmented macules, and tends to affect sun-exposed areas of the head and neck.1-4 The pathophysiology of linear LPP is poorly understood, though …