Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Management of Melanoma: Answers to Four Key Questions
artificial intelligence (AI)Admittedly, it took me a while to get over the fear of an artificial intelligence (AI) “apocalypse”, which likely developed after my older brother forced me to repeatedly watch “The Terminator” at the tender age of seven. Through an extensive dive into the literature and numerous lectures by Dr. Vishal A. Patel, I’ve since realized the applicability and patient benefit of AI in dermatolo …
artificial intelligence (AI)
JDD Issue Highlights | June 2022: Acne & Rosacea
acneThe June 2022 issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (JDD) focuses on acne and rosacea, with original articles discussing topics such as improving rosacea outcomes in skin of color patients, pediatric and female acne, topical management of facial and truncal acne, and many more. Included in this issue are also case reports on bullous dermatitis and low dose Naltrexone in combination with PRP …
Skincare Mondays | Surfactants in Skincare
Surfactants in skincareFor most consumers, a skincare routine is a positive part of their daily routine. Thirty-eight percent (38%) see it as ‘me’ time. Sixty-three percent (63%) wash their face at least two times per day,1 yet roughly half of consumers (men and women) report using bath wash or hand soap to cleanse their face.2 So it's no surprise that over half of consumers surveyed have no idea what ingredients …
Surfactants in skincare
The Many Faces of Rosacea | Part 2
rosaceaOur new series, "The Many Faces of", will showcase side-by-side images of some of the most commonly seen dermatology conditions in an array of skin tones and briefly highlight nuances in clinical presentation.  All images featured in the series are part of The Full Spectrum of Dermatology: A Diverse and Inclusive Atlas, a resource developed by co-editors Misty Eleryan, MD, MS, and Adam Friedman, …
Patient Buzz: Diagnosing Nail Melanoma | The Expert Weighs In
nail recently posted an article about one woman's experience with subungual melanoma, which was initially diagnosed as a mole. What are some common mimics to nail melanoma that could result in a missed diagnosis, and when should a dermatologist perform a nail biopsy? For expert advice, I reached out to Shari Lipner, MD, PhD, associate professor of clinical dermatology and director of t …
nail melanoma