Developing a Patient-Centered Acne Management Plan
Acne patientOvercoming Barriers to Acne Treatment Adherence There is a wealth of research into the psychology of the acne patient, which may be used to speak with patients more effectively and ultimately lead to better treatment outcomes. Despite the fact that acne has a high emotional impact on patients, adherence to acne treatment plans is surprisingly low (in 1 study, 27% of patients didn’t even fill th …
Acne patient
Severe Ulcerative Perniosis Treated With Botulinum Toxin
Botulinum ToxinPerniosis (also known as pernio or chilblains), is a condition characterized by the development of pruritic, painful erythrocyanotic skin lesions induced by exposure to cold temperatures.² When perniosis occurs in conjunction with clinical or laboratory features of systemic lupus erythematosus, the condition is further classified as chilblain lupus erythematosus (CHLE). CHLE is a rare condition w …
Botulinum Toxin
JDD Issue Highlights | January 2022 | Aesthetic Treatments
Aesthetic TreatmentsThe Journal of Drugs in Dermatology kicks off 2022 with an outstanding line up of editorials, original articles, and case reports focusing on aesthetic treatments. Straight from the Editor’s desk, we share this month’s issue highlights: Authors establish that the test device is non-inferior to the comparator in Safety and Effectiveness of a Novel Hyaluronic Acid Gel for Lip Augmentation. …
Aesthetic Treatments
The Role of Hairstylists in Alopecia
alopeciaPartnering with Hair stylists is more than just a hair style. During the 2021 Virtual Skin of Color Update, and through concrete examples, Dr. Chesahna Kindred shared some of the intangible benefits of working together to increase patient satisfaction. Hairstylists are key in preventing and helping to treat traction alopecia! Hairstylists can help to: Recommend healthy hair styles …
Botulinum Toxin in the Long-Term Treatment of Refractory Raynaud’s Phenomenon
Refractory Raynaud’s PhenomenonRaynaud’s phenomenon is an exaggerated physiological response of blood vessels in the distal extremities to emotional stress and cold. It can be idiopathic or secondary to a connective tissue disorder, such as scleroderma or systemic lupus erythematosus. Treatment for Raynaud’s phenomenon consists primarily of lifestyle modifications; if unsuccessful, pharmacotherapy with dihydropyridine calci …
Refractory Raynaud’s Phenomenon