Navigating Media Relations in Dermatology: Do’s and Don’ts from the Experts
media relations in dermatologyMedia-savvy dermatologists, reporters and editors who cover the specialty share insightful tips on navigating media relations in dermatology. Talk to any media savvy dermatologist and you’ll hear stories of interview successes – coverage that was fair and accurate – as well as interview disappointments. “You say something, they take a snippet and it’s put in not exactly the way you …
media relations in dermatology
It’s Mnemonic Monday! Stains for Mast Cells
stains for mast cellsOn this Mnemonic Monday, we challenge you to remember stains for Mast cells. "GIMME TO YOUR LEDER" Giemsa Toluidine blue Leder Remember  "rub me and take me to your Leder" as a mnemonic to remember that Leder stain still works after Darier's sign is induced (after de-granulation of mast cells). Side note: Not all stains are included here. Ex: tryptase and c-kit would also stain mast …
stains for mast cells
Suncare Sunday: Sunburn Facts
sunburnOn this Suncare Sunday: Sunburn Facts, we share newly published data from the CDC showing sunburn incidence in adults and teens, sun exposure behaviors and sun protection basics: Sunburn incidence in adults remains high: 34% of adults report experiencing at least 1 sunburn each year1 Half were outside for more than 1 hour between 10 and 4 pm2 Only 5% reported they were tryin …
Energy-Based Devices and Injectables: How to Combine them Safely & Effectively
ENERGY-BASED DEVICES & INJECTABLESAs Dermatologists, we have a number of tools at hand to help patients achieve their aesthetic goals, and it is more often than not the proper combination of these treatments that distinguish Dermatologists from other providers in the cosmetic space. At the recent 2021 ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference, board-certified and cosmetically-trained dermatologist Dr. Jeremy Green from …
Special Focus on Acne and Rosacea
Acne and RosaceaThe June issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology focuses on the topics of acne and rosacea, and features additional articles on topics such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Straight from the JDD Editor’s desk, we share this month’s issue highlights: Guest Editor James Q. Del Rosso discusses roadblocks that impede patient ability to obtain medications selected by their dermatologist …
Acne and Rosacea