Derm In-Review

It’s Mnemonic Monday! | Understanding Hyperhidrosis
hyperhidrosisImprove Your Understanding of the Seriousness & Care of  Hyperhidrosis with this SWEAT Mnemonic Severe Sweating - Patients with excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis (Hh) experience severe sweating that is often four or five times more than what’s “normal,” or needed, to regulate body temperature or as a reaction to stress.1 This amount of sweat can be debilitating both physically and …
Foot Lesions – Friday Pop Quiz 11/5
In addition to the lesions seen on the feet of this young man he also had geographic tongue, erythematous plaques on his penis and arthritis, what HLA type is associated with this syndrome? A. HLA-B27 B. HLA-B51 C. HLA-DR1 D. HLA-DR3 E. HLA-DQW2 To find out the correct answer and read the explanation, click here.    Brought to you by our brand partner Derm In-Review. …
Erythematous – Friday Pop Quiz 10/29/2021
A 42 year-old woman has the findings pictured, as well as erythematous patches on the upper chest and shoulders. No Raynaud's, polyarthritis, pulmonary, or cardiac involvement is noted. Which antibody might you expect to be present in this patient? A. Anti-SRB B. Anti-Jo-1 C. Anti-Mi-2 D. Anti-Ku E. Anti-La To find out the correct answer and read the explanation, click here.  …
Arthritis – Friday Pop Quiz 10/21/2021
A 25 year-old previously healthy man presents with the skin findings shown, urethritis, and one month of peripheral arthritis. Which of the following is true regarding this condition? A. Females and males are equally affected B. A chronic deforming arthritis occurs in 20% C. TNF-alpha inhibiting agents have no role in the treatment of this condition D. Patients must have urethritis …
Pruritic Dermatitis – Friday Pop Quiz 10/15/2021
A 57 year-old-female is post-op day 2 from a knee replacement. Dermatology is consulted for the dermatitis seen here. It is pruritic, and has not responded to 1% hydrocortisone. What is the most likely etiology of the physical findings? A. Allergic contact dermatitis to a soap or other topical application B. Irritant contact dermatitis due to excessive rubbing during the cleansing proces …