5-Fluorouracil Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
FluoroplexActinic keratoses represent the most common dermatologic diagnosis in patients older than 45 years old in the United States and account for 5.2 million visits annually.1 Cutaneous field cancerization represents areas with a high burden of both clinical and subclinical actinic damage. Cryotherapy can often be combined with topical chemotherapy for a synergistic approach. We continue our series, The …
Eruptive Milia Within a Tattoo
Milia within a tattooIntroduction The most frequently reported tattoo-related dermatoses, according to a study of 234 tattooed patients, are allergic,1infectious,2,3 and granulomatous4,5 reactions occurring in 2.1% of this population.6 Less common reactions are lichenoid,7photoallergic,8 pseudolymphomatous,9 discoid lupus erythematosus,10 incidental skin neoplasm,11 and koebnerization of psoriasis.12,13Milia within t …
Milia within a tattoo
Pathology of a Lesion- Friday Pop Quiz 12/11
lesion The pathology of this lesion demonstrates reticulate strands of the epidermis with clefting between the strands and the stroma. What is the diagnosis? A. Eccrine syringofibroadenoma B. Fibroepithelioma of Pinkus C. Squamous cell carcinoma D. Reticulate seborrheic keratosis E. Tumor of the follicular infundibulim To find out the correct answer and read the explanation, click her …
Green Nail Syndrome – Friday Pop Quiz 12/4
green nail syndrome A 60-year-old patient develops a green-black to green-blue discoloration of one of her toenails. You suspect she may have green nail syndrome. Which of the following is not a predisposing factor to the development of green nail syndrome? A. Excessive use of detergents B. Excessive use of soaps C. Nail trauma D. Melanocytic nevus E. Frequent and prolonged exposure to water To fi …
green nail syndrome