Psoriasis in Skin of Color: Are there differences in Presentation and Treatment?
Psoriasis skin of colorWhile previously thought to be a rare diagnosis in non-white racial ethnic groups, more recent data has shown that psoriasis in patients with skin of color is much more common than was once thought. Dr. Andrew Alexis spoke during the Skin of Color Seminar Series (now Skin of Color Update) in New York City on May 5th, 2018 on this condition and on the important differences in clinical characteristi …
Psoriasis skin of color
Updates on the Prevention and Management of Keloid Scars
Dr. Bridget KaufmanThis article features a recap of Dr. Hilary Baldwin’s talk on the etiology, risk factors, and treatment of keloids at the 2018 Skin of Color Seminar Series, now known as the Skin of Color Update. Dr. Bridget Kaufman, onsite correspondent for the meeting, shares highlights directly from the talk. Dr. Baldwin focused on earlobe keloid scars in particular, which may present with several different m …
Dr. Bridget Kaufman
Ask a Mentor: On finding a niche in the field, developing a career in academics and better serving patients of color
As a mentor Dr. Amy McMichaelWe are excited to announce another installment of our new recurring series: Ask a Mentor. In this monthly segment, we will identify an accomplished mentor in the field of Dermatology to answer your questions about career development and their unique areas of expertise. If you have questions on finding a niche in the field, developing a career in academics and/or better serving patients of color …
As a mentor Dr. Amy McMichael
An Update on Medical and Surgical Treatment Options for Hair Loss
SOCSS_HairLossCentral centrifugal cicatricial alopecia (CCCA) and frontal fibrosing alopecia are two very common hair diseases in our skin of color patients. Often these conditions are challenging to diagnose and even more problematic to treat and control. Expert Dr. Valerie Callender spoke during the Skin of Color Seminar Series (now Skin of Color Update New York City on May 5t …
Poster Interview: Socioeconomic and Geographic Barriers to Dermatology Care in Urban and Rural U.S. Populations
Socioeconomic PosterBrianna Olamiju, Next Steps Correspondent, interviewed Toral S. Vaidya, Medical Student at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, to dig deeper on her research study titled “Socioeconomic and Geographic Barriers to Dermatology Care in Urban and Rural U.S. Populations” recently published in theJournal of the American Academy of Dermatology and presented at the Skin of Color Seminar S …
Socioeconomic Poster