JDD Corner

Fifty Years of Minocycline and Its Evolution: A Dermatological Perspective
MINOCYCLINE2021 is the 50th anniversary of the FDA approval of minocycline (MCN). While many other antibiotics have become obsolete during this time, MCN continues to be quite useful. In dermatology, MCN is used prominently in acne vulgaris, and is also employed in many other dermatological conditions because of its molecular and pharmacological properties. In this article, we review the history of minocycli …
JDD Issue Highlights | October 2021 | Special Focus: Atopic Dermatitis
ATOPIC DERMATITISWith a special focus on atopic dermatitis, the October issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology features a great line up of original articles on topics ranging from topical body skincare for toning and tightening, the psychological burden associated with atopic dermatitis, to treatment of toenail onychomycosis in the US and everything in between! Straight from the JDD Editor’s desk, we sha …
Pyoderma Gangrenosum Occurring in the Setting of Hypercortisolism
Pyoderma GangrenosumPyoderma Gangrenosum Occurring in the Setting of Hypercortisolism Associated With Adrenocortical Adenoma: A Pathophysiological Paradox Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is a challenging, rare, ulcerating skin disease characterized by neutrophilic abundance and absence of infection, often associated with systemic diseases. JDD authors Chapman Wei, Elizabeth Hazuka, Peter DeRosa, Jill M. Paulson MD, and Ad …
Pyoderma Gangrenosum
September 2021 JDD Issue | Special Focus on Aesthetics
aesthetic treatmentWith a special focus on aesthetics, the September issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology features an outstanding editorial line-up with original articles, features and case reports on topics ranging from soft tissue fillers, non-surgical eyebrow rejuvenation, new topical treatment for keloid scars to mask use during the COVID-19 pandemic causing undesirable post-operative complications and …
aesthetic treatment
Topical Cannabinoids for the Management of Psoriasis Vulgaris
Cannabinoids for PsoriasisAuthors Adam J. Friedman MD, Kimia Momeni BS, and Mikhail Kogan MD present a case of a young man with psoriasis managed with topical cannabinoids. Introduction The interest in use of medical cannabis for chronic dermatologic conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and acne has been growing mostly owing to rapidly emerging decriminalization across the country and impressive commercially driven popu …
Cannabinoids for Psoriasis