Resident Corner

It’s Mnemonic Monday! Tuberous Sclerosis
Tuberous SclerosisOn this Mnemonic Monday, we challenge you to remember cutaneous and systemic manifestations of tuberous sclerosis (also known as Bourneville syndrome or epiloia) with the following mnemonic: FASTT KARRRMA Forehead plaque Angiofibromas Shagreen patches Tubers, cortical Tonic-clonic seizures Koenan tumor Ash leaf macules Renal angiomyolipomas Retinal hamartomas Rhabdomyomas Mental ret …
Tuberous Sclerosis
Skin Lesions – Friday Pop Quiz 9/25
Buttonhole sign Which of the following findings can be elicited during examination of these widespread skin lesions? A. Buttonhole sign B. Dimple sign C. Crowe's sign D. Darier's sign E. Pseudo-Darier's sign To find out the correct answer and read the explanation, click here.  Brought to you by our brand partner Derm In-Review.  A product of SanovaWorks. …
Buttonhole sign
It’s Mnemonic Monday! Let’s Really Party Hard T(w)oNight
PseudoporphyriaOn this Mnemonic Monday, we challenge you to remember medications or activities associated with pseudoporphyria with the following mnemonic: Let’s Really Party Hard T(w)oNight Lasix (furosemide) Retinoids Pyridoxine Hemodialysis Thiazides Tanning beds NSAIDs Click HERE to print your mnemonic card. Study More! Need a refresher on Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (PCT) and pseudoporphyria? Che …
Resident Application Q&A with Dr. Sacharitha Bowers
Do you have questions about the upcoming Resident Application Cycle? The Next Steps in Derm sister site, Derm In-Review has been hosting a fabulous series of interviews with Program Directors and faculty.  Derm In-Review Advisory Council member, Cula Dautriche asks all the questions that incoming residents want to know!  One recent interview featured Dr. Sacharitha Bowers, from Southern Illinois …
It’s Mnemonic Monday! To Zanzibar By Motor Car
Branches of the facial nerveOn this Mnemonic Monday, we challenge you to remember the branches of the facial nerve with the following mnemonic: To Zanzibar By Motor Car Temporal Zygomatic Buccal Marginal mandibular Cervical [caption id="attachment_11157" align="alignleft" width="2101"] Facial nerve (CN7) branches and danger zones.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_11156" align="alignleft" width="375"] Cranial n …
Branches of the facial nerve