Starting and Running a Practice

Five Tips for Incorporating Cosmetic Procedures Into A Medical Practice
Cosmetic injectablesThe most rewarding part of my job is making people happy, exceeding their expectations, and improving their self-esteem. In my private practice in Manhattan and Long Island, New York, I specialize in skin cancer treatment and cosmetic dermatology. Although these might seem like polar opposites, in reality I bridge two worlds of medicine whose goals are the same: to help people stay healthy and to …
Cosmetic injectables
Optimizing Patient Interaction
phraseology Part 1 of 2 phra·se·ol·o·gy [frāzēˈäləjē] (noun): a mode of expression, especially one characteristic of a particular speaker or writer. Now that I have been an attending dermatologist for more than five years, I have had the opportunity to reflect upon what I wish I would have known as a resident and as a new attending physician. In my attempt to provide unique new insight …
Why I Joined an Existing Dermatology Practice
Sabrina FabiWhy I Joined a Practice Whether you join an existing practice or go solo, the decision is a personal one. Each has its pros and cons depending on: the person who has to make the decision; the options one has of practices to join based on geographical location; whether the practice is academic, private or multi-specialty; and the personalities unique to that individual practice.   When so …
Sabrina Fabi
How to Build Your Injectable Business: Creating an Effective Marketing Plan
Dermatology MarketingPart 3 of 3 This is the third and final installment of my three-part series that gives you a roadmap for building a successful top-tier cosmetic practice. In parts one and two, I discussed how to prepare your practice for introducing injectables through education, and how to educate your staff and patients. This third part will discuss how to market your practice bot effectively and cost-effectiv …
Dermatology Marketing
Billing in Dermatology: All About EMR’s
EMR TabletPart 1 of 2 The process of billing and coding may at first seem daunting. But by doing a little research you’ll find these tasks to be easier than you thought. In part one of this series, we’ll take a look at electronic medical record systems. Next month’s part two will cover proper coding. Dermatology training programs and practices are increasingly utilizing electronic medical record s …
EMR Tablet