Derm Topics

Patient Buzz: Are LED Therapy Masks Safe?

Vogue recently published an article questioning the safety of at-home LED therapy masks after Neutrogena recalled its Light Therapy Acne Mask due to safety concerns.

For an expert opinion, I consulted Jeremy A. Brauer, MD, clinical associate professor in the Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology at New York University School of Medicine. Dr. Brauer provided expertise on the efficacy of LED therapy masks in a previous commentary.

Are LED therapy masks safe for consumers to use? 

In general, at-home therapies are likely less efficacious and not a substitute for in-office, light-based procedures. However, if the LED therapy mask has been approved or cleared by the FDA, is used as directed/intended, and appropriate steps are taken to protect the eyes, these at-home devices should be safe to use.

Has there been any research in the last year on the safety and effectiveness of these devices? 

I’m not aware of any formal studies or publications investigating safety and effectiveness since we last discussed the topic within the last year.

Do you have any additional suggestions on how a dermatologist should respond to patients who are interested in LED therapy masks?

I think the advice is the same. It is important to understand your patient’s concerns and treatment goals. While at-home therapies are not a substitute for in-office procedures, at-home therapies can potentially serve as an appropriate maintenance option. Specific to LED, as above, more research is needed.

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