Natural Ingredients and How to Use Them in Practice – Part 2
Natural Ingredients2CO-AUTHOR: LIZA R. BRAUN, BA Welcome back to our continued discussion on the natural, botanical ingredients that are formulated into skin care products that you can easily incorporate into your practice. And, in case you missed Part 1, you can read it here. Mushroom Extract Mushroom extract, in particular shitake and reishi, retain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These pr …
Natural Ingredients2
Negotiation tips for Non-Compete Clauses
Non-compete clauseMany physician employment contracts contain non-compete clauses, also known as “restrictive covenants.” From a physician's perspective, the legal language of restrictive covenants and may be difficult to understand and are somewhat intimidating.  These clauses are fraught with significant long-term implications for our careers. While it is critical to consult with an attorney in reviewing you …
Non-compete clause
Natural Ingredients and How to Use Them in Practice – Part 1
Natural IngredientsCO-AUTHOR: LIZA R. BRAUN, BA Botanical ingredients found in nature are often formulated into skin care products intended to address fine lines, wrinkles, uneven tone, and texture. These ingredients possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and photoprotective properties that make them potential alternatives or adjunctive options to prescription medications. Bygone are days of applying makeup to …
Natural Ingredients
Integrating Laser Hair Removal Into Your Practice: Pearls and Pitfalls
Laser Hair RemovalPatients often desire the removal of hair for both cosmetic and medical reasons. Shaving, waxing, or chemical depilatories have traditionally achieved temporary hair removal. Electrolysis provides permanent hair removal of individual hairs. However, to reduce hair from large areas for extended periods of time, laser hair removal has become more mainstream. Below are pearls and pitfalls of laser ha …
Laser Hair Removal
Your First Year of Private Practice: 4 tips to building a successful business
First year in practiceCongrats! You have made it through years of hard training, passed the boards, and landed your first “real” job! For the majority of new dermatologists, their first job after residency will be in a private practice setting with a one- to two-year guaranteed salary. Below are some key areas to focus on in those early years in order to build a successful practice. 1. Grow your patient base o Wh …
First year in practice