Navigating Your Career

Building Bridges: Purposeful Networking, Collaboration, and Career Growth with Industry Relationships

Working with industry is a common career goal of dermatologists, whether it’s by serving on an advisory board, obtaining a grant, or collaborating in another way. So how does a dermatologist land these industry opportunities? Watch as Dr. Adam Friedman, co-chair of the ODAC Dermatology Conference, outlines how to build bridges with industry partners. Find out why it’s important to understand the different roles of industry contacts. Learn tips for landing an initial partnership. Hear Dr. Friedman’s best practices for maintaining long-term relationships and his personal ethics in working with companies. Plus hear his guidance on how to respond if you’re left out of an opportunity.


This information was presented at the 2025 Annual ODAC Dermatology Conference by Dr. Adam Friedman, alongside a panel of early-career and experienced dermatologists, as well as industry professionals. The session was sponsored by Johnson & Johnson.

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