Friday Pop Quiz #212
The correct answer is C. IL-36. IL-36. Spesolimab is a novel, selective humanized anti–interleukin-36 receptor monoclonal antibody recently approved by the for the treatment of adults with GPP.1 IL-17 inhibitors approved for plaque psoriasis include secukinumab, ixekizumab, and brodalumab. Bimekizumab is also an IL-17 inhibitor in ongoing clinical trials for plaque psoriasis. IL-23 inh …
Apremilast Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
apremilastApremilast (OTEZLA®) is a twice daily oral medication that is FDA approved for adults with plaque psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and oral ulcers associated with Behçet’s Disease.1 This drug is being extended as an off-label treatment to target inflammation in a number of different conditions. This Therapeutic Cheat Sheet will focus on apremilast and its applications for different dermatologica …
Patient Buzz: Dry, Brittle Nails | The Expert Weighs In
brittle nailsBustle recently posted an article on tricks to strengthen dry and brittle nails. How should dermatology clinicians counsel their patients who have dry, brittle nails? What nail conditions are sometimes misdiagnosed as dry, brittle nails? For expert advice, I reached out to Molly Hinshaw, MD, professor of dermatology, section chief of dermatopathology and director of the nail clinic at the U …
brittle nails
JDD February 2023 Issue Highlights
The February issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (JDD) includes the perfect blend of original articles, case reports, and brief communications exploring topics such as efficacy and safety of 1% clascoterone cream in patients aged ≥12 years with acne vulgaris, dupilumab’s impact on atopic dermatitis among adolescent and adult patients, development and validation of a photonumeric scale …
The “Flolan Rash” | Great Cases from the JDD
Flolan RashINTRODUCTION Epoprostenol (Flolan) is a last-resort intravenous (IV) medication for the treatment of severe pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Cutaneous adverse events of Flolan are well-known by pulmonologists, though lacking in dermatologic literature.1 We report an extensive near erythrodermic appearing asymptomatic eruption following long-term use of epoprostenol. This characteristic and …
Flolan Rash

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