Using Social Media as a Professional and Clinical Tool
Next Steps social media on an ipadWe are living at a time of unprecedented access to information. Anyone with an internet connection can access vast amounts of knowledge with little effort.  While this change has had broad implications for society at large, its impact is especially felt in medicine and science.  Clinical questions we might encounter on a day to day basis may now be answered with a simple google search.  The li …
Next Steps social media on an ipad
Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Skin of Color: Crisis State
Sexually Transmitted Diseases SOC TedRosenAs one would expect, Dr. Ted Rosen’s session on Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) in Skin of Color was engaging, informative, and shocking to many in the audience. During this 20-minute session, Dr. Rosen addressed the increasing rates of STDs in the United States and highlighted the alarming predominance in non-white ethnic groups. *Clinical pearls* from this session are bolded, underlined, …
Sexually Transmitted Diseases SOC TedRosen
Ask a Mentor Q&A Recap – Dr. Amy McMichael
ASK A MENTOR 5Our Next Steps readers had the opportunity to ask a mentor,  Dr. Amy McMichael, chair and professor of dermatology at Wake Forest University Health Sciences and past president of the Skin of Color Society, questions about establishing a career in academics, finding a mentor, and better serving patients of color.  See all of her insightful answers below. Q1: I attended the Skin of Color Semina …
Complexities of Managing Inflammatory Diseases – A Case-Based Review (Dr. Friedman’s ODAC lecture)
It’s time for a review of Dr. Adam Friedman’s presentation, “Complexities of Managing Inflammatory Diseases,” which was another one of the popular lectures from ODAC 2018. This lecture was case-based and full of helpful pearls. So let’s get to it! CASE #1: 70-year-old female with red, pruritic “rash” involving her face, trunk, and extremities for several months. The rest of her hi …
What role should physician extenders play in diagnosing skin cancer?
Late last year, a piece in the New York Times brought together several politically charged issues in our specialty and thrust them into the national spotlight. Katie Hefner and Griffin Palmer’s “Skin Cancers Rise, Along With Questionable treatments” sought to investigate the ethics behind diagnosing and treating skin cancer. The scope of the article was actually quite broad, touching on the …

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