Staying Ahead of the Game in Skin of Color Dermatologic Care
African American Woman Derm Procedure The optimal treatments for skin of color patients seeking dermatologic care are constantly changing. Keeping up to date with the latest advances in the field, both medical and aesthetic, can prove to be difficult and overwhelm even the most brilliant dermatologist. With a growing recognition that constant training and direct access to skin of color thought leaders is necessary to be at the …
African American Woman Derm Procedure
Taking Rejuvenation Beyond the Skin
Regenerative Medicine Aesthetics – Mind-Body & Skin

Having a background in internal medicine, biomedical tissue engineering and regenerative medicine while also maintaining a strong interest in yoga, Ayurveda, and Siddha medicine has helped me appreciate the skin in a new light, as a beautiful organ capable of regeneration through various wound healing pathways. I see the skin as an organ that covers the embodiment of energy which is the human body …
4 Steps for Writing Your First Academic Paper
WritingWriting your first paper for publication can be a daunting task, particularly as you may know a lot about your topic, but little about how to get it published. Here are a few principles to get you started. 1) STEP ONE For the first time author, the big unanswered questions are appealing, but beware - these questions may require far more resources than you expect (data, time, and funding). Wo …
Career Resources
[vc_row css=".vc_custom_1495638015385{margin-top: -30px !important;}"][vc_column][vc_column_text] Next Steps in Derm offers a comprehensive set of resources to help young physicians advance their career through practice management tips and tools to meet compliance requirements in the field of dermatology. FREE DERMATOLOGY RESOURCES FOR RESIDENTS AND YOUNG DERMATOLOGISTS Journal of …
Roadmap for Residents Planning to Enter Academia Contracts: What to Do After Signing
Dermatology Resident RoadmapPart 2 of 2 You’ve signed on the dotted line—you’re joining an academic dermatology department! Congratulations! This final part of the series will help guide you in shaping your early career. It’s critical to envision the kind of career you want and take steps to make it happen from day one while still staying open to unpredictable opportunities that arise. In addition to your dreams, …
Dermatology Resident Roadmap

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