Overbooked and Overextended: How to Avoid Scheduling Nightmares
Avoid Scheduling NightmaresOne of the pearls of practice management that can make or break the workday, but is never mentioned in a medical textbook, is how to triage patients when your clinic is booked out for an extended time. How do you decide what patients get in sooner and who can wait? Should there be a tier system for scheduling based on urgency? How do you handle cosmetic patients who all want to get in yesterday! D …
Avoid Scheduling Nightmares
Board Prep Resources Checklist
Board prepStudying for the upcoming Board exam? As we all know, it's a stressful task that can feel daunting at times. However, residents need not fear; with the proper resources and good study habits you can feel well-prepared for this exam. A quick check-list from Dr. Strowd includes: Online Resources Derm In-Review question bank JAAD CME articles AAD website Dermpath slides Kodachrome r …
Board prep
The Dermatologic Society of Greater New York
The Dermatologic Society of Greater New YorkExplain in 2 or 3 sentences what you do. The Dermatologic Society of Greater New York was founded in 1924, originally as the Bronx Dermatologic Society, with approximately a dozen members. It has changed and grown since then to become, with over 250 members, the largest regional dermatologic society in the United States. Because of its size and the fame of its internationally-renowned membership, …
The Dermatologic Society of Greater New York
Tales From the Office: An Elephant Never Forgets
memoryDermatology offices are full of activity and sometimes humorous or memorable stories unfold before us. Tales From the Office chronicles funny, crazy or interesting stories from dermatology offices across the nation. A psoriasis patient who'd had an excellent response to methotrexate, came in for his monthly follow up, but his rash was all back. He said he had stopped his pills. Inquiring as to …
Words of Advice on Hiring and Firing
Staffing advice hiringIf you’ve started a practice, or thought about doing so, you may have developed a checklist: office space, equipment, technology, insurance providers, product lines. And then comes the momentous task of staffing your office. Hiring and firing are two integral parts of both starting and running a practice. It can be extremely challenging to find the right people who will work well for the office …
Staffing advice hiring