How to Make Fillers Profitable for Your Business
Amy Taub MDFillers have a high disposable cost so they need to be priced accordingly to take into account your time and expertise. Also, there is a backend cost associated with their use. Usually after the first filler treatment patients will return for a follow-up visit—note, this visit should be complimentary. These visits are quite important for many reasons: 1. They give you feedback on your techniq …
Amy Taub MD
I Wish I Had Known: Equipment Purchases
Equipment PurchasesThere are several areas where it makes sense to save when opening a practice. On the other hand, there are some areas where saving money can be a false economy. When purchasing new equipment for a dermatology practice, the most logical thought is to try to save money and purchase the middle of the road forceps, needle drivers, and other instruments. This is what I did when I first started, but sh …
Equipment Purchases
Young Key Opinion Leader Tips and Tricks: Presenting at a Meeting
It can be intimidating to present at a meeting or conference. Below are tips and tricks to help you prepare your presentation so that you feel confident and prepared. 1. Clinical photos are the most interesting—everyone loves to see before-and-after photos. The human face or the human body is fascinating to look at. Make sure that the lighting is consistent and that follow-up photos of at lea …
I Wish I Had Known: Starting Your Career in Academics
career planning academic "Surround yourself with people who have a genuine interest in your dermatology career." Looking Back Recently I was promoted in my career to full Professor. In the process, I was forced to look back at the path that led me to academic medicine. I would like to say that I put a lot of planning and contemplation into getting to where I am, but honestly, it was very serendipitous. My career thu …
career planning academic
I Wish I Had Known: Professional Networking
Professional-NetworkingI wish I had known as a new post-graduate to surround myself with professional experts. We are experts in our field so we should not settle for less in all the people we have working with us and for us. Consultants should be the top in their field. Often times we employ people who have business or management experience but are not experts. We may waste time, resources, and energy on people who re …