Addressing the Age Old Concern of Aging
sts-wall-sized agingIn the initial mental construct of the practice I was most concerned that I would not have enough patients to remain open.  The focus in the initial steps of the practice were staff, and location.  We had to review EMR and Practice Management systems, computers, tablets, network and internet access.  The other systems in the practice were phones, and the logistics of staff responsibilities and …
sts-wall-sized aging
August JDD Podcast: Go Superpotent or Go Home
superpotentGo superpotent or go home.  The utility and safety of Class 1 topical steroids. Dr. Tina Bhutani and Dr. Adam Friedman In this edition of the JDD Podcast, Ask the Investigator, host Dr. Adam Friedman digs deep with UCSF Assistant Professor of Dermatology Dr. Tina Bhutani to powerlift the most up to date safety data on Class 1 superpotent topical steroids from her study entitled "Update on the …
Dear Derm Authority: How Do I Best Use Social Media to Build my Practice?
social media Using social media to engage current and prospective clients is fast becoming a non-negotiable part of marketing. At the same time, it can become overwhelming to know where to begin or how to approach some of the different platforms. The best way to use social media to build your practice is in providing valuable information, and other content that relates to your business or services. Boos …
social media
Weighing Your Values: Time vs Money
Time vs MoneyNo one I know decided to become a physician to be rich or famous. It’s a calling and a passion and we’re fighting hard to keep it that way. Being a dermatologist is a little different than many other fields of medicine because we also have a subset of us that practice aesthetic medicine as part or all of our area of expertise. The draw to aesthetics, selling products and performing procedures …
Time vs Money
How do I start building my brand?
You are your own brand We asked Derm Authority to answer your burning questions on building your own brand and what lessons were learned in the first years of practice.  Read for expert answers below! Dear Derm Authority, Q: How do I start building my brand? Every successful brand has a creative personal logo, business card, website, or landing page at minimum, and social media accounts. These all need to be b …
You are your own brand

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