Enhancing Patient Compliance
PART 1 Dr. Vivian Bucay is a well-known dermatologist who practices in San Antonio, Texas. She has frequently lectured at ODAC meetings over the years and her experiences and expertise are always well-received. In this 2-part series, Dr. Vivian Bucay will share her insight regarding enhancing patient compliance. After completing my dermatology residency training and passing the board examina …
Becoming an Author- Part 2: The Peer Review Process
PART 2 We at Next Steps are very excited to announce that the Executive Editor of our media partner, the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, will be providing expert advice and tips on getting published. Karin Beehler, who has over 25 years of publishing experience, will share her extensive knowledge and expertise with our Next Steps readers in this 2-part series. Peer review proces …
Staying Ahead of the Game in Skin of Color Dermatologic Care
African American Woman Derm Procedure The optimal treatments for skin of color patients seeking dermatologic care are constantly changing. Keeping up to date with the latest advances in the field, both medical and aesthetic, can prove to be difficult and overwhelm even the most brilliant dermatologist. With a growing recognition that constant training and direct access to skin of color thought leaders is necessary to be at the …
African American Woman Derm Procedure
How Did the “Generational Dermatology” Movement Start?
How did the generational movement start Generational Dermatology: I opened my Southern California practice as a solo private practitioner in 1994. My 40 and 50- year-old patients had both vibrant skin and demeanor. With every decade the skin, physique and demeanor became progressively less vibrant. I began to understand the concept of "growing old" and began asking myself: What if we dealt with issues in the earlier decades to s …
How did the generational movement start
Why Generational Dermatology?
Generational Dermatology Simply put, it’s better for the patient because we are proactively and routinely mitigating future risks for them. Also, overall and long-term it is a more economically sound approach for our healthcare system. Dermatologists are experts in the skin, hair and nails not just throughout the course of an individuals’ life but perfectly positioned for the entire family's lifetime. This …
Generational Dermatology

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