Wound Care Series – Part 1 Why Aren’t Dermatologists More Involved in Wound Care?
Wound CarePART 1 Why Aren’t Dermatologists More Involved in Wound Care? My time doing wound healing research has shown me not only the gaps in the literature, but also the deficit of dermatologists involved in wound care. One would think that our expertise in caring for the integument would automatically translate into eminence when it comes to the treatment of injuries. However, involvement of dermatol …
Wound Care
Tips for Running Your Own Practice
Running your own practiceUpon completing residency training, many newly graduated doctors feel lost as to where to begin if their goal is to open up a new practice. Unfortunately, the business side of the medical field is often glossed over or completely missing from residency programs, leaving doctors in the dark about key elements of practice management. I recently conducted a survey through LinkedIn, and over 50 der …
Running your own practice
Real World Dermatology: Clinical Pearls Galore – Part 2
PART 2   Here are some more clinical pearls from the 2018 residents conference.  If you haven’t read part one, you can find it here. From Dr. Dee Anna Glaser’s “What You Really Need to Know about Treating the Aging Face: Fillers and Toxins”: Evaluation during consultation is key. Ask the patient what they would like done, and what their budget is.  While choosing treatm …
A Scientific and Ethical Approach to In-Office Skincare Retail – Part 1
In this 5-part series, the world-renowned dermatologist, Dr. Leslie Baumann, will be sharing her extensive skincare expertise. From properly identifying a patient’s skin type to learning about skincare product manufacturing and packaging processes, our readers are sure to learn something new from this informative series. PART 1   Daily correct skincare is essential for promoting health …
Enhancing Patient Compliance
PART 2 Dr. Vivian Bucay is a well-known dermatologist who practices in San Antonio, Texas. She has frequently lectured at ODAC meetings over the years and her experiences and expertise are always well-received. In the second part of this 2-part series, Dr. Vivian Bucay will share her insight regarding improving patient compliance and adherence to treatment regimens. Keep it simple It …

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