How Emotions Impact Skin
Simple physiological reactions such as blushing from embarrassment or turning red with anger are the most obvious connections between the psychological state of the mind and physiologic expression through the skin. But there are many deeper and more complicated pathways that are only starting to be explored, and the more professionals understand these connections, the better they can treat …
Addressing Patients with Pruritus: Counseling & Treatment
Chronic ItchPART 2 The well-known Dr. Gil Yosipovitch, Professor of Dermatology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and Director of the Miami Itch Center, recently lectured on various aspects of itch at the 2018 ODAC meeting. He has asked his two research fellows to write on the topic for Next Steps in Dermatology. This is the second article in our 2-part series. Counseling patien …
Chronic Itch
Practical Pearls in Cutaneous Fungal Infections and Onychomycosis – Part 2
Doctor writing prescriptionPART 2 Hi Everyone! So I’m back for Part 2 of “Practical Pearls in Cutaneous Fungal Infections and Onychomycosis” from the ODAC 2018 lecture given by Dr. Adam Friedman. I know this is a lot of material so I ‘ve included some tables that review the causative organisms along with treatment options. Ok, so let’s pick up where we left off. Tinea Pedis   Topicals- …
Doctor writing prescription
Taking Rejuvenation Beyond the Skin
Regenerative Medicine Aesthetics – Mind-Body & Skin

Having a background in internal medicine, biomedical tissue engineering and regenerative medicine while also maintaining a strong interest in yoga, Ayurveda, and Siddha medicine has helped me appreciate the skin in a new light, as a beautiful organ capable of regeneration through various wound healing pathways. I see the skin as an organ that covers the embodiment of energy which is the human body …
JDD March Issue Highlights and Editor Picks
JDD logoBelow are the issue highlights and Editor Picks for the March issue of JDD! Papp and Lebwohl review clinical data on the use of biologics in moderate-to-severe psoriasis, identifying which biologics may offer the quickest results in Onset of Action of Biologics in Patients With Moderate-to-Severe Psoriasis.   In Clinical Insights About Onychomycosis and Its Treatment: A Consensus, au …
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