How Did the “Generational Dermatology” Movement Start?
How did the generational movement start Generational Dermatology: I opened my Southern California practice as a solo private practitioner in 1994. My 40 and 50- year-old patients had both vibrant skin and demeanor. With every decade the skin, physique and demeanor became progressively less vibrant. I began to understand the concept of "growing old" and began asking myself: What if we dealt with issues in the earlier decades to s …
How did the generational movement start
Real Advice from Joel Schlessinger MD, FAAD, FAACS Part 2
leader researchHow can new dermatologists get involved in clinical research? Becoming involved in clinical research is both exciting and potentially concerning as it all depends on the support team you will have and the set up (both physical and administrative) of your site.  The benefits can be good in both financially and intellectually, but the risks are also significant. When starting a clinical researc …
leader research
I Wish I Had Known: Cosmetic Dermatology
cosmetic dermatologyMy name is Dr. Elliot Battle, I am a cosmetic dermatologist in Washington DC. My advice to every resident and every future dermatologist is to take as much time as you did when you chose medical schools and residency programs to choose the right venue for your future. A lot of my colleagues choose the first job that was offered to them, we have such a broad choice now; from general to cosmetic …
cosmetic dermatology

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