Starting a Solo Practice
private practiceThe evolving healthcare environment has led to a decrease in the percentage of dermatologists in solo private practice, dropping from 44% in 2007 to 35% in 2014.1 However, if you decide that solo practice is the right fit for you,2 it can still be done! You matched in dermatology; therefore, you have more than enough ability to run a private practice. Six years into solo practice, the best piece o …
private practice
I Wish I Had Known: Starting a Solo Dermatology Practice
starting a solo practiceI can speak only for myself on the topic of starting a solo dermatology practice. As an aside, I initially had no interest in starting and running a small medical business. My post-training strengths, or at least my comfortable level of competencies, did not include marketing myself, choosing the right business location, buying all the right supplies, getting the right loans, hiring and firing sta …
starting a solo practice
Opening a Practice Shortly After Dermatology Training
opening a practiceOwning and operating a solo dermatology practice may seem like a business model going the way of the dinosaur, especially with the growing trend of private equity ownership. Yet one early-career dermatologist is embracing practice ownership, and finding a way to open a practice shortly after completing dermatology training. [caption id="attachment_12710" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo cou …
opening a practice
The Decision to Start a Practice – Part 1
new dermatology practiceThe dermatology resident finishing his or her training faces many choices and opportunities for practice. This article reflects the experience of a dermatologist in private practice for over 40 years, covering the key issues in the decision-making process that culminates in a functional and desirable office space. Although this process applies primarily to those in private practice, the specifics …
new dermatology practice
Meet Dr. Keaney – A Dermatologist’s Path to Opening a New Practice
KeaneyOfficePart I: Building Your “Team” When a physician says he is going “solo”, it could not be further from the truth.  Starting a new dermatology practice is a team effort, even when only one provider leads the charge.  A successful practice has a team working effectively and efficiently to ensure the caregiver can provide quality care while growing a financially successful business.  Just li …

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