acanthosis nigricans

The Many Faces of Psoriasis | Part 2
psoriasisDid you know that psoriasis doesn’t just present on the arms, legs, and trunk? It can also appear in non-conventional locations (aka “special site” psoriasis) including the scalp, face, and body folds (such as the axillary, inframammary, and inguinal fields, and intergluteal clefts). In the skin folds, psoriasis is also referred to as “inverse psoriasis.” In darker skin types, the areas …
Acanthosis Nigricans Mimicking Melasma
Acanthosis NigricansCase Report and Pearls for Accurate Diagnosis – An Interview with the Author During the 2018 Skin of Color Seminar Series (now the Skin of Color Update), approximately twenty posters could be seen hanging in the poster viewing area.  Each of these posters highlights novel and exciting research in skin of color. In one such poster, Dr. Monica Huynh and colleagues presented a case of the skin co …
Acanthosis Nigricans