
Patient Buzz Series: Skincare Product No-Nos
Mistakes when using skincare products is a common theme among the articles in this month’s Patient Buzz. What happens when cleansing oils are applied to wet skin? Is bar soap good for the face? Does menthol help or hurt chapped lips? Is the sunscreen in a facial moisturizer enough to protect the skin? Be prepared for your patients’ questions, including how to use skincare products, by revie …
JDD December Issue Highlights: From Plaque Psoriasis to CBD Gel
JDD December 2020 IssueThe December issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology focuses on a variety of topics ranging from plaque psoriasis and infantile hemangioma to suturing wounds under tension and cannabinoid gel on sensitive dry skin. And an incredible line-up of articles to finish 2020 strong!  Straight from the JDD Editor’s desk, we share this month’s issue highlights: Oxytocin Levels Inversely Correla …
JDD December 2020 Issue
JDD November Issue Highlights: Lasers, Light Sources, and Devices
JDD November 2020 Issue HighlightsThe November issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology focuses on the topics of Lasers, Light Sources, and Devices, featuring an outstanding line-up of original articles. Straight from the JDD Editor’s desk, we share this month’s issue highlights The Guest Editorial by Dr. Macrene Alexiades focuses on the growing body of objective quantifiable data demonstrating time-sensitive improvemen …
JDD November 2020 Issue Highlights
Managing Acne in the LGBTQ+ Population
Acne in the LGBTQ+ PopulationOne of the most vulnerable populations among both teenagers and adults today is the LGBTQ community. An estimate of the LGBTQ population is difficult to solidify, but based on survey data it is estimated that sexual and gender minority individuals collectively represent four percent of the general population. The LGBTQ community is more likely to experience both dysphoria and discrimination, and t …
Acne in the LGBTQ+ Population
Management Considerations for Skin of Color Patients with Acne
Acne in Skin of color patientsAcne is the most common skin condition in the United States. Although it affects almost 50 million individuals annually, how it affects each person varies. Many epidemiologic studies have shown that acne is the most common presenting complaint in patients with Fitzpatrick skin types IV-VI. However, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is a common sequela of acne in patients of skin of color and a p …
Acne in Skin of color patients