Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia (CCCA)

Navigating the Complexities of Alopecia: Insights from Dr. Adam Friedman
alopeciasDr. Adam Friedman's lecture at 2024 ODAC conference provided invaluable insights into the nuanced approach required when dealing with patients presenting with alopecia. Addressing the diverse array of alopecia types and their myriad presentations, Dr. Friedman emphasized the significance of a comprehensive clinical history and evaluation to formulate an effective treatment plan. By employing a cas …
What Dermatologists Should Know About Approaching Alopecia Patients
alopeciaNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with Skin of Color Update, interviewed dermatologist Dr. Victoria Barbosa, associate professor at University of Chicago Medicine. Watch as Dr. Barbosa shares why it may be challenging for an alopecia patient to visit a dermatologist and why it’s important to address the psychological burden of hair loss. Hear how considering a broad differential is essential t …
Cicatricial Alopecias: Practical Pearls for Challenging Diagnoses
cicatricial alopeciasAt ODAC 2023, we had the opportunity to learn about cicatricial alopecias from renowned dermatologist and hair expert Dr. Amy McMichael, Professor of Dermatology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. First, we considered a framework to check for cicatricial alopecias. This is particularly important because if we can identify cicatricial alopecia, we can make sure we are treating the rig …
cicatricial alopecias
Pediatric Hair Loss: Nuances in Clinical Presentation
hair lossNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with Skin of Color Update, interviewed Dr. Candrice Heath, assistant professor of dermatology at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University. Every dermatology clinician should know some very specific things about hair loss, according to Dr. Heath, including that children can present with adult hair conditions. Watch as Dr. Heath outlines three condit …
hair loss
Adjunctive Therapies for Hair Loss | Lasers, PRP, Microneedling, and Hair Transplantation
adjunctive therapies for hair lossHair loss can be such a challenging disease to treat, especially with the social toll it can take on patients. Do you struggle to keep up with the newest treatments and data on hair loss? If so, keep reading as we learn from Dr. Shilpi Khetarpal, Associate Professor of Dermatology and Director of Cosmetic Dermatology and Lasers at Cleveland Clinic, about adjunctive therapies for hair loss based on …
adjunctive therapies for hair loss