JDD Issue Highlights | February 2022
psoriasisThe February 2022 issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (JDD) includes the perfect blend of original articles, case reports, and editorials. With topics ranging from psoriasis and actinic keratoses to artificial intelligence in dermatology and disparities in telemedicine satisfaction, we share this month’s issue highlights straight from the JDD Editor’s desk: Early Response is Associ …
JDD Issue Highlights | January 2022 | Aesthetic Treatments
Aesthetic TreatmentsThe Journal of Drugs in Dermatology kicks off 2022 with an outstanding line up of editorials, original articles, and case reports focusing on aesthetic treatments. Straight from the Editor’s desk, we share this month’s issue highlights: Authors establish that the test device is non-inferior to the comparator in Safety and Effectiveness of a Novel Hyaluronic Acid Gel for Lip Augmentation. …
Aesthetic Treatments
Infraorbital Occlusion Treated with High-Dose Pulsed Hyaluronidase Protocol
Infraorbital OcclusionFacial fillers are an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure used for facial rejuvenation. Regardless of the experience and skill level of the injector, fillers can inadvertently occlude vessels leading to blockage of cutaneous blood supply, ischemic skin necrosis and rarely cerebrovascular strokes and blindness. Injectors should recognize early signs of occlusion and be prepared with knowledge a …
Infraorbital Occlusion
JDD Issue Highlights | November 2021 | Special Focus: Lasers, Lights Sources, and Devices
laserWith a special focus on lasers, light sources, and devices, the November issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology features an outstanding line up of editorials and original articles on topics ranging from deoxycholic acid (ATX-101) for fat reduction,  treating molluscum contagiosum, skincare for neonates and infants, laser in the treatment of granulomas on the nose, and everything in between …
PAH Post-Cryolipolysis | The Expert Weighs In
PAHSELF magazine recently covered supermodel Linda Evangelista’s recent admission that she developed paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH) after undergoing cryolipolysis. The article mentions a 2017 Journal of Drugs in Dermatology review that found the incidence of PAH post-cryolipolysis may be higher than previously reported. I reached out to one of the authors of the review, Jared Jagdeo, MD, …