
Patient Buzz: The Staph-Itch Connection | The Expert Weighs In
itchHealthCentral recently highlighted new research out of Harvard Medical School on the role of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) in itch. Researchers found S. aureus can trigger itch in mice and human cells through communication with sensory neurons. For an expert’s take, I reached out to Gil Yosipovitch, MD, professor, Stiefel Chair of Medical Dermatology and director of the Miami Itch Center …
Gut-Immune-Skin Axis: What Happens in the Gut Matters to the Skin
Gut-Immune-Skin AXISThe gut-immune-skin axis describes how the gut microbiome communicates with the skin via complex interactions with the immune system to regulate local and systemic inflammation. Before attempting to delineate that relationship, we must first grasp a firm understanding of the gut ecosystem. The gut ecosystem is made up of the epithelial interface, which is characterized by the epithelial …
Gut-Immune-Skin AXIS
Acne: Changing Practices in a Changing Clinical Landscape
ACNEOne of my favorite diseases to treat as a dermatology resident is acne, as I find that it often has a huge impact on quality of life and self-confidence. Patients often come in when they have tried various over the counter medications and holistic treatments with no success and are frustrated at their lack of improvement. The good news for these patients is that there are many new medications that …
Skin Microbiome and Acne: Connecting the Dots
Skin Microbiome and AcneWhen we think about skin, a few things come to mind: protection, temperature regulation, sensation. However, there is growing interest in the microbiome of the skin. Our skin flora can be likened to an invisible ecosystem. Similar to fingerprints, it is unique to each individual. The complexity of the skin microbiome is continuing to be researched. This research is paving the way to improve our un …
Skin Microbiome and Acne
The Latest on Probiotics and Skin Health
probioticsMary-Margaret Kober, MD of The California Skin Institute comments on the importance of probiotics in skin health. Read her summary below, then review her Anti-Aging Effects of Probiotics JDD manuscript. What was your greatest motivation in writing an article on the topic of probiotics? Patients are always interested in ways to improve and protect their skin. Probiotics offer an exciting and eme …