topical steroids

Key Tips for Dermatologists in Prescribing and Managing JAK Inhibitors
JAK InhibitorsNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference, interviewed Dr. Neal Bhatia (a board-certified Dermatologist who serves as Director of Clinical Dermatology at Therapeutics Clinical Research ) about the latest with JAK inhibitors. Watch as he summarizes the most recent trials, approvals, and developments. Plus why doctors shouldn't be afraid to dive in w …
JAK Inhibitors
Patient Buzz Series: Calamine Lotion as Makeup Primer
calamine lotionDermatologists are sounding alarm after some TikTok influencers are recommending calamine lotion as a makeup primer, claiming the hack helps improve blemishes and keeps makeup in place. It’s the latest viral beauty hack popularized on the social media platform. Be ready for the hacks your patients may bring up in their next office visits by perusing this list of articles in the consumer press: …
calamine lotion
Tips and Tricks for Diagnosing & Managing Atopic Dermatitis (AD)
atopic dermatitisAtopic dermatitis is a heterogeneous, chronic inflammatory disease that affects upwards of 10% of children and 7% of adults in the United States. Despite being an incredibly common skin concern among patients, AD continues to pose diagnostic and treatment challenges to dermatologists. What are some common misconceptions about AD? AD always starts in childhood. FALSE. 25% of adults w …
atopic dermatitis
Recalcitrant Dyshidrotic Eczema Treated With Dupilumab
eczemaThe following two cases presented by JDD authors Ryan A. Gall MD, John D. Peters MD, and Alyson J. Brinker MD add to the growing literature supporting the use of dupilumab in the treatment of patients with recalcitrant dyshidrotic eczema, both with and without diagnosed contact allergens. Introduction Dyshidrotic eczema, also known as dyshidrosis or pompholyx when involving larger bullae, is a c …