How to Diagnose and Treat Hypopigmentation with Dr. Hamzavi
hypopigmentationNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic & Surgical Conference, interviewed Dr. Iltefat Hamzavi, dermatologist with Henry Ford Health and associate professor of dermatology at Wayne State University School of Medicine. Dr. Hamzavi addresses how to diagnose and treat hypopigmentation, a catch-all for pigmentary conditions where the pigment is not too dark or complete …
Patient Buzz Series: Hair Cycling
hair cyclingFresh on the heels of the TikTok trend skin cycling is the latest trend hair cycling. While skin cycling is a regimen that rotates between applying skincare products with active ingredients and products with heavy moisturizers, hair cycling is a regimen that rotates between clarifying and hydrating haircare products. Both regimens are intentional routines that incorporate time to rest the skin or …
hair cycling
Treating Hyperpigmentation in Darker Skin Types: The Expert Weighs In
hyperpigmentationEssence recently posted an article on how to treat hyperpigmentation on melanated skin. What cosmetic ingredients make the most impact in treating hyperpigmentation in darker skin types? What are the challenges that skin of color poses when treating hyperpigmentation? For expert advice, I reached out to Miami dermatologist Heather Woolery-Lloyd, MD. She will address hyperpigmentation and other …
Keloids: Medical Treatment Strategies with Dr. Kerby
keloidsNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with Skin of Color Update, interviewed Dr. Eva Kerby, assistant professor of clinical dermatology at Weill Cornell Medical College. Dr. Kerby shares her preferred medical treatment options for  keloids, and why it’s important to set treatment expectations with patients. Watch as Dr. Kerby shares tips for good injection technique and how to treat larger, nodul …
Skincare Mondays | Your #1 New Year’s Resolution: Wear Sunscreen Daily
The best New Year's resolutions are the ones you can actually keep. Studies show that nearly half of Americans never use sunscreen and those that do, only apply 25-50% of the recommended amount.1-4 Start the New Year right with one of the easiest things you can do to prevent skin cancer—wear sunscreen daily, even when it's cloudy! Top 10 Sunscreen New Year’s Resolutions:5-10 1. Limit time …