Skincare Mondays | 1 Year Study Shows Retinol Benefits Do Not Plateau
Retinol BenefitsRetinoids are a mainstay of dermatologic therapy. When properly formulated, retinoids available over the counter offer consumers an easily accessible, reasonably priced option.  Retinol has been shown to improve fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, skin roughness, and the appearance of photoaged skin in short term studies. This study looks at the efficacy and safety of continued use of a s …
Retinol Benefits
JDD November 2022 Issue Highlights | Lasers, Light Sources, and Devices
lasersThe November issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (JDD) focuses on lasers, lights sources, and devices featuring original articles and case reports exploring topics such as combination of platelet rich plasma and 1550 nm fractional laser for androgenetic alopecia, safety of combination laser procedures in single clinic visit, efficacy of a fractionated 1540 nm erbium glass laser in the tre …
Approaches to the Aging Face: Setting the Stage and Managing Expectations
AGING FACEIn case you missed it, the 17th Annual Women’s & Pediatric Dermatology Symposium offered dermatologists a practical approach to treat and evaluate the “aging face.” Dr. Jacqueline Watchmaker, a dermatologist from Scottsdale, Arizona, and cosmetic dermatology extraordinaire, discussed her approach to helping patients feel and look their best. Read on for a full summary of this session! …
Dutasteride Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
Androgenic alopecia (AGA) is one of the most common forms of hair loss and represents a frequently faced disabling concern in dermatology visits. Targeting the 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) pathway has been shown to be an efficacious mechanism of action, with finasteride being the only systemic FDA-approved drug to treat male AGA. Recently, its sister drug, dutasteride, has been increasingly utili …
The Link Between Acne and Sleep | The Expert Weighs In
acne and sleepAllure recently posted an article, "Is My Acne the Reason I Can't Sleep?" What does research say about a link between acne and sleep, and how should dermatologists counsel their acne patients about lifestyle factors? For expert advice, I reached out to Miami dermatologist Heather Woolery-Lloyd, MD, who is board certified in both dermatology and lifestyle medicine. Dr. Woolery-Lloyd spoke ab …
acne and sleep